
Testing the Comprehensive Review Draft

The Zoning Rewrite consultant team has finished its test of the Comprehensive Review Draft. Testing the proposed regulations and processes allows us to see the proposed new rules in action. It is a key step in understanding the effectiveness of the proposals and provides clear examples of the impact of the draft ordinance. Finally, the test results identify opportunities for improvements to code to enhance the overall quality of development in our communities.

Our consultant team looked at key elements of existing projects in the County (including use, development type, lot size, location, and density) and analyzed the projects using the proposed guidelines, as if they were submitting the application for the first time.

The consultants then designed the project by adhering to the regulations in the proposed new zoning code. Each test considers the process that would be used for the proposed development—including community and municipal input opportunities—and the dimensional and design standards such as setbacks, building heights and orientation, window placements, open-space set asides, sidewalks, parking lots, pedestrian, and cyclist access, stormwater management, sustainability, and neighborhood compatibility. They also detail the type of development review process that the code mandates, including whether subdivision review would be required and what role that may play.

Read the Results of the Test Cases here