
Staff Analysis of Stakeholder Comments on the Comprehensive Review Draft of the Zoning Ordinance NOW AVAILABLE

Download the Technical Staff Analysis of Comments received on the Comprehensive Review Draft of the Zoning Ordinance .

The Technical Staff Analysis of Stakeholder Comments on the Comprehensive Review Draft is a summation and analysis of more than 680 pages of feedback our team received from the community on the proposed regulations. This analysis contains comments received by staff as of December 15, 2017—the last day of the public commenting period.

The Technical Staff Analysis of Stakeholder Comments on the Comprehensive Review Draft is similar to the analysis that staff prepared for Modules 1, 2, and 3 of the draft Zoning Ordinance. The document lists each comment, identifies the stakeholder group that provided the comment, and details the staff evaluation of the comment in accordance with experience, best practice, and policy research. From there, staff provides a recommendation for how the stakeholder feedback should be incorporated in the legislative draft.

Community input is a key component of creating a zoning ordinance that supports the desires of everyone in our County. Since launching the project in 2013, the Zoning Rewrite Team has consistently worked to collect and incorporate the input of all stakeholders. We have accomplished this through an extensive effort to meet with community members in their communities.

The next step in this process is to finalize the legislative draft, which will be transmitted to the County Council for presentation and consideration this year. For additional questions about the Technical Staff Analysis, contact the Zoning Rewrite Team at