
Visualize the Zoning Rewrite – A Walking Tour

This summer, Imani Jasper, a collegiate intern with the Prince George’s County Planning Department led an interactive walking tour through the Port Towns and the Gateway Arts District.  The real-time case study analyzed the potential impacts of several proposals in the draft zoning ordinance on redevelopment in inner-beltways communities. Sadara Barrow, Mayor of Colmar Manor, and Demetrius Givens, Cottage City Commissioner, joined Planning Department staff on the adventure and shared their vision for the future of their towns.

The tour helped Zoning Rewrite team members and local elected officials better understand some of the zoning challenges that municipalities are facing. Participants explored how Clarion Associates’ recommendations for zone consolidation, neighborhood compatibility standards, parking regulations, street connectivity, green building standards could help encourage reinvestment.

Retrace the Zoning Rewrite Team’s steps! Download Visualizing the Zoning Rewrite.