We are happy to announce the launch of our recently updated website and blog for the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations rewrite. Our new website was crafted specifically to keep community members and project stakeholders connected throughout the rewrite process. Optimized with a responsive design, you can easily learn about the status of the comprehensive update on any device, be it a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, or a large desktop display.
The most prominent feature of our new website is the incorporation of the modified Zoning Rewrite project logo. Borrowing themes from the Plan Prince George’s 2035 logo, our logo reflects the diversity of zones that can be found in the current Zoning Ordinance. Each of the colors in the logo correlates to a particular type of zone in the Prince George’s County Code-residential, industrial, commercial, open space, mixed-use, etc.
Visit our website frequently as we plan to post project reports, event announcements, regional zoning news, and other helpful resources to assist you in getting involved with the project.